If you have made an online purchase and are keen to check where the item has arrived, beware, if you dial the number mentioned in the message on your mobile, your phone and through it your social media account can be hacked. This is done by dialing 409 and following numbers in the message. So dial *402 number as soon as you notice that the account has been hacked, the Cyber ​​Crimes of Police appeals
Department has done.
The rate of hacking of social media accounts for two person or group communication (chatting) has increased in Jalgaon city. At present, the cyber crime department receives four to five complaints every day. It has come to light that the number of users who close the phone number without complaint is also more. The police also say that this kind of thing is going on in other cities and phones are being hacked on a large scale through this method. Dial as soon as you remember
402: Whose for a long time
Dial 402 immediately if you notice a missed call or a social media account has been hacked. This will cancel the diverted phone and you will start receiving regular calls. Moreover, the relevant social media account will also be closed. This will prevent the risk of it being misused for fraud or defamation, the police said.
Any company's mobile phone is hacked like this.
Customers who shop online are eager to see how far the item has arrived and when they will receive it. Taking advantage of this, cyber criminals send messages under the fake name of a business portal. It says to dial the following number to check the arrival of the item you ordered. That number is preceded by the number 401. As soon as the curious person dialed the number, he turned his phone to the corresponding number
goes That means all phone calls coming to that person start going to the respective number. Then download that person's social media account in your mobile and also use the OTP that comes on it. This includes sending messages asking for help, defamatory messages, sending photos. The police also said that any company's handset, including an American company that claims security, can be hacked using this method.